Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cheers Big Ears: Soursop Margaritas with Salty Li Hing Mui Rim

An ugly, delicious fruit deserving of a sexier name, soursop is a slightly sweet, custardy flesh with a hint of grapefruit; my absolute favorite tropical fruit.
My mom and I discovered it first as a juice while cruising the Kapaa Market last spring. One vendor sold little bottles at $3 a pop, so my husband and I planted a tree and this spring have a dozen of the ungainly alien orbs.
They peel easy, take a few minutes to seed and make refreshing smoothies and margaritas. Some of the fruit we freeze in gallon bags, flattening it out so that when needed, we just chisel off a few chunks. We also juice it in our Çhampion so we have a half gallon in the fridge for smoothies.
As for li hing mui powder, try to find it without aspartame and weird red dyes. Sadly, that is all I can find on Kauai at the moment. Mix it with Real Salt, kosher style, available at Hoku Market.

1 comment:

Paradise said...

...Aye! Carumba!!! Sounds delish!